Dr White

What happens to the body when you don't exercise for a long time?


How about if you just do not exercise all the time? Those who do not exercise for a long time, what happened to them?

When we have just stopped exercising: Stealing lazy, really comfortable

It's true that when you don't exercise for a while, you feel better.

I just stopped exercising for a period of time, but my body feels better, and the whole person is still fresh.

As soon as you stop exercising, a series of changes in your body that are not easily noticeable from the outside come into play.

Caloric demand decreases, and mitochondria, a part of the body's "energy station" that converts energy, begin to shut down.

There are also changes in the metabolism of fat, which is the fuel. Even if you don't exercise for just two days, your body's low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) levels may rise by 10%, and high LDL-C levels carry the risk of cardiovascular disease.

LDL-C concentration over time in the non-exercise group (top line) in the study

After two weeks of stopping exercise: You start to feel that your body has become bulky

This may be related to a decrease in maximum oxygen uptake (VO2 Max) due to reduced mitochondria, which affects the upper limit of energy that a person can produce during strenuous exercise.

At the same time, some enzymes related to respiration may also experience a decrease in activity over a two-week period.

The combination of these two factors means that the body cannot use as much oxygen as it used to, and is less efficient at producing energy, so people are not as 'alive' as they used to be.

A review study published in 2017 also found that after a period of physical inactivity, many people experience symptoms of depression and anxiety.

These symptoms can appear within a day and are especially pronounced after two weeks. It's probably a case of "if you don't exercise for a day, you don't feel good"!

After one month of stopping exercise: Total body deterioration, restarting is increasingly difficult

After a month or more away from exercise, not only does cardiorespiratory fitness decline significantly, but even the shape of the heart may change.

In a study led by a team from Harvard Medical School, researchers recruited 21 runners who had participated in the Boston Marathon in 2016 and had them run from an average of more than 30 miles per week to a maximum of 5 miles per week.

As a result, after 4 to 8 weeks, the runners who participated in the study not only performed worse on the treadmill, but even experienced thinner left ventricular walls and smaller right ventricular chambers.

Not exercising for too long also reduces the body's ability to regulate blood sugar.

In one study, 20 young and middle-aged men spent 60 consecutive days "lying flat". Although they reduced their caloric intake (they didn't need much energy, after all), their bodies' ability to control blood sugar was significantly reduced. The data showed that their ability to handle blood glucose dropped by nearly a quarter due to bedrest immobility.

You're lethargic after a meal.

Exercise? Start again tomorrow. ......


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